Monday 30 July 2012

Beautiful You
All Natural Remedies & Cure for your Skin and Hair
We always don't need to buy expensive products to keep ourselves  young and beautiful. Sometimes the best natural products can be found right in your own Kitchen Cabinet and fridge.

One of Cleopatra's beauty tip was to soak in a beer bath. Beer is very good for the skin because of the vitamins and yeast it contains. In Central Europe there are now many spas offering just this treatment.

Garlic is known for its anti bacterial properties and makes an excellent acne treatment. Press some garlic into a paste and leave it on your acne and pimples for 15 minutes then rinse off. Another solution is mashed-up honey and apple, applied individually to pimples. Also, try dabbing some tea tree oil on the pimple to dry it out and kill any bacteria.
There are some excellent natural face mask treatments for acne. Try applying a layer of ripe tomato pulp, cooked oatmeal or egg yolk to your face and letting it dry.
Finally, fruits are natural acid exfoliants and can help to get rid of your acne scars. Applying a puree of pineapple for 15 minutes will both freshen you up and reduce the impact of acne marks. Another great solution is lemon juice, but be careful as it can make your skin more sensitive to  sunlight.

  • Make a mash of banana and leave on your face for 20 minutes.
  •  Almond oil makes a great primer before foundation because it's quickly absorbed. You can use it as a night moisturizer.
  • Mayonnaise is not only a great hydration treatment for your hair, it works wonders as a face mask too. 

A good facemask will firm and tone your skin, minimizing pores and exfoliating off dead skin so the fresh skin beneath is revealed. Here's a natural and effective facemask recipe:
1 mashed avocado
1 cooked and mashed carrot
1/2 cup cream
1 beaten egg
3 tablespoons of honey
Four solutions to make your hair shiny.
1. Heat half a cup of olive oil, leave it on your hair for 15 minutes, then rinse.
2. Mix baking soda in with your shampoo.
3. Shampoo, then rinse your hair with beer. It really works!
4. Brew some coffee and let it cool, then apply to dry hair and leave for 20 mins. Rinse with warm water.
Two ideas for making your hair less oily.
1. Boil and mash up some carrots, leave on your hair for 15 minutes.
2. An old favorite - dishwasher detergent.

Massaging your hair with mayonnaise, olive oil or almond oil will add moisture back. Leave it on for 10 minutes then wash it as usual.

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